Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Movie Series

There are many films that finish the entire story in one movie. However in some storys they break in between movies, making a sequel or even two or three more movies even after the sequel. I think that this is a smart idea because the entire movie series makes more money. Fans of the films would go to watch all the movies in theaters and maybe even buy them on DVD, making the entire series more popular. Therefore, the more movies in a series the more money they producers make. Personally I love movie series. They are so much fun to watch and the anticipation of wanting to see the next movie keeps me going to watch the whole series. That is why I love Series Films.
Top 10 Best Series Films (voted by IMDb):
1. The Godfather
2. Indiana Jones
3. Star Wars
4. Star Trek
5. Pirates of the Carribbean
6. The Muppet Movie
7. Batman
8. Jaws
9. Beverly Hills Cop
10. Harry Potter

Comedy Movies

Comedy Movies have been a favorite of many because people enjoy a good laugh. Some comedy movies are family friendly while others are for just for adults. The first ever comedy movie made was, Watering the Gardener, a silent film made in 1895. This movie lead to other comedy movies being made as well as cartoons like Mickey Mouse(: . Today we have many different types of comedy including, action comedy, romantic comedy, horror comedy, and Sci-fi comedy. We also have many different shows that have have come out of  comedy movies. The shows Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld and the Cosby Show are just a few of some classic comedy shows. The
Top Ten Best Comedy Movies:
1. The Hangover
2. Superbad
3. Grown-Ups
4. I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
5. City Lights
6. Get Him to the Greek
7. Bedtime Stories
8. Shrek
9. Billy Madison
10. Scary Movie 4

Suspense/ Horror Movies

Suspense and Horror movies have always fascinated movie watchers everywhere. While some people absolutely hate Suspense and Horror movie, other love to watch them. Suspense and Horror movies are definitely directed more towards an older group of people, and definitely not children. These two categories of films are often seen in the same category, since they are so alike. The first ever Suspense movie was Safety Last, a German Film directed by Fritz Lang. The first ever Horror movie was Dracula made in 1931, and based on a novel by Bram Stoker. In the 1940s, Alfred Hitchcock was quite famous for making suspense films through out the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and even in the early 70s. He won best Director some of his movie have even won Academy Awards. Some of his films included Psycho, Rear Window, and North by Northwest. Other than Alfred Hitchcock's suspense movies, many have been made since the end of his career. Some other famous suspense/ horror films include- Frankenstein, Friday the 13th, The Shining, The Thing and Halloween. 

Action Movies

Since the movies have begun, action movies have been around. Earlier, when movies were new, there were action movies, like The Public Enemy (which has recently been re-made) and Batman and Robin (which has been re-made into other movies and television shows) that were released into the theaters. Action movies like these almost always have the same basic plot, the hero, or bad guy, saving someone, or themselves, and live happily ever after. Now sometimes the plot does not go exactly like this but it is the basic jest. Most action movies that have been made, are more directed towards older groups of people, especially men, however not so much children. Action movies have also been made in 3-D, which have been very successful.
Top Ten Action Movies of All Time (voted by IMDb):
1. Kill Bill 1
2. Kill Bill 2
3. Sin City
4. Hellboy II- The Golden Army
5.The Terminator
6. The Matrix
7.Terminator 2- Judgment Day
8. Aliens
9. Sucker Punch
10. Desperado